These shades are completely folded by hand. By perforating the folding lines the folding process has been helped a bit. Still it takes a lot of force and knowledge of how the material behaves, to fold these shades.
The hard parts in this design are the contradicting folds; where one part of the shade folds up, another part folds down, which creates tension in the steel plate
and which makes it hard to keep the surface of the plate nice and smooth instead of experiencing so called tension caused folds.
By making these shades I wanted to experience what my job would look like without the modern machinery we have nowadays and go back to the essence of my work:
Designing; because in my opinion that’s something you have to do with head, heart and hands.
The making of these lampshades was like a study of the behavior of different types of metal plate, which helps me a lot in understanding what is possible and what isn’t when working with steel plate.